I am a person who notices things about people and their demeanor. If I’m out in public places I tend to notice things about people that they seem to be proud of or want to stand out.
I used to just think to myself “Look at that _________. That looks really nice.” OR
“That was such a nice gesture that person did” OR
“That person really went out of their way to do their best to serve me.”
Whatever the circumstances I would notice, but that was as far as it went. Then a complete stranger came up to me one day and complimented me on my haircut and it made me feel so good that it stuck with me the rest of that day and beyond.
That’s when I decided to start saying out loud those thoughts I had about others. I believe it makes anyone feel better about themselves to get a compliment from someone else, especially a complete stranger because they realize that someone went out of their way to mention it so they must have really meant it.
Conversely, if I notice anything I dislike or have an negative opinion about others . . . . I keep that to myself. That is unless someone specifically asks me my opinion. Then I try to be as gentle as possible with my response.
So, why not join me in spreading compliments throughout your day to help brighten someone else’s.